Mission Statement:
The primary goal of the college counseling program at the At-Tamimi International School is to empower our students to have thriving and fulfilling careers at universities that fit their individual talents and interests. Towards this end, we help our students think deeply and carefully about their strengths and aspirations, set practical and proper goals, and showcase themselves in a manner that will take full advantage of their desire to be life-long learners.
Our counseling staff enthusiastically urges our incoming students to find and develop those talents by participating in a variety of academic and extra-curricular opportunities. We have noted that the students who are best aided by the college counseling program are those who have thoroughly engaged themselves most actively to the life of the School. To find the best future home for the well-rounded nature of our graduates, we encourage our students to develop an acute sense of what college environment will best suit their future educational needs.
As an international school, our students and parents come into the college selection process with many different dreams, expectations, concerns, and outlooks. We aim to consistently communicate clearly with our families, giving them the information they need to support their children with confidence and understanding. In the rapidly changing world of college admissions, we keep up to date on the latest news and best practices in college admissions counseling and pass these on to those with whom we work.
In addition to promoting positive growth in our students and providing support throughout the university selection process, our office develops working relationships with colleges and universities to keep our understanding of universities fresh and to sustain the colleges' familiarity with At-Tamimi’s distinctive strength and academic character.
Our college counselor also guides students in using the internet and other resources to gain information about colleges, scholarships and financial aid, IELTS and IB testing. In year eleven, students confer frequently with college counselors, both individually and in group sessions. As twelfth-year students, our learners take an increased level of responsibility for their application process, while we continue to support them with advice, sponsorship and technical support.